在茶叶界,人们把绿茶比喻为不知愁滋味的轻狂少年,把红茶比喻为艳光四射的俊俏舞娘,将乌龙茶比喻为风姿绰约的成熟贵妇,将铁观音比喻为刚毅果决的侠士。对于云南开云足球app下载官网最新版 ,人们称之为犹如历经无数岁月的睿智智者。
In tea circle, people always compare green tea to be frivolous juvenile not understanding sorrow taste, black tea as charming dancing diva radiating brilliant light, oolong as mature lady charming in manner, Tie Guanyin as resolute and daring chivalrous person. As for Pu’er tea in Yunnan, people call it as wise man experiencing countless time and tide.
在茶人的眼中,开云足球app下载官网最新版 是摄取天地之正气,吸收日月之精华!积岁月之磨练,得自然之造化始成的茶中圣品。它得益于时光的沉淀,受惠于岁月的洗礼。
In the eyes of tea people, Pu’er tea absorbs the goodness of heaven and earth as well as the essence of sun and moon! With time and tide, it’s the best among tea. It benefits from the sediment of time and baptism of tide.
从这个角度来说,好的开云足球app下载官网最新版 ,可堪称为是时间“沉淀的艺术”,而非速成时代的产品。
From this perspective, superior Pu’er tea can be said to be “sedimentary art” of time instead of product in fast-pace era.
开云足球app下载官网最新版 的“慢”,一个方面指的是其品质的提高是一个缓慢的过程。与世界上的其它名茶相比,开云足球app下载官网最新版 的制作是需要花时间的,而且工序繁琐,有许多个环节:杀青、揉捻、晒干、分拣、拼配、蒸压,这是一个相当复杂的过程。
On one hand, the “slowness” of Pu’er tea means that the increasing quality is a slow process. Compared with other tea in the word, the production of Pu’er tea needs time and process is complex with multiple links: fixation, rolling, drying, sorting, blending and steam-pressure, which is an extremely complex process.
For example, steam-pressure seems the forming process of primary tea superficially, but it contains many steps such as weighting, steaming for softness, rolling and pressing, etc. For some steps like rolling and pressing, it needs to be quick and particular about method, which requires high technology content.
刚刚制作完成的开云足球app下载官网最新版 ,其实只具其形。要成为优质的开云足球app下载官网最新版 ,还需要用时间沉淀来为其注入灵魂,使其富有生命。事实上,开云足球app下载官网最新版 经过适当的贮存以后,会提升其品质,因此,利用时间的力量,可将开云足球app下载官网最新版 的品质推向极至的。
Pu’er tea immediately after production is just its form. To be superior Pu’er tea, time sediment is required to infuse soul for it and make it become vital. In fact, after proper storage, the quality of Pu’er tea will promote. Therefore, the power of time can make the quality of Pu’er tea become perfect.
开云足球app下载官网最新版 在制作完成以后,有一个“后发酵”的过程。对开云足球app下载官网最新版 有所了解的人都知道,开云足球app下载官网最新版 在纯自然状态下的“后发酵”相当缓慢。十几年,甚至几十年,新制的开云足球app下载官网最新版 才能完成其脱胎换骨的改造,从而消除其杂味、涩味,而存留下陈香、桂香、樟香以及兰香。
After the production of Pu’er tea, there is an “after-fermentation” process. Those understanding Pu’er tea know that “after-fermentation” under purely natural state is very slow. Newly produced Pu’er tea requires a dozen years and even several decades to thoroughly remould, eliminate foreign flavor and astringent, thus reserving aroma, cinnamon, camphor aroma and orchid fragrance.
因此,每一饼弥漫着岁月芳香的开云足球app下载官网最新版 ,都可称得上是“上帝之手”创造的艺术。从这一点上看,开云足球app下载官网最新版 更像美酒,有着越老越香的特性。
Consequently, every cake of Pu’er tea with the fragrance of time and tide can be called as art created by “hand of god”. From this point, Pu’er tea seems more like good wine and it will be more aromatic with time.
也正是因为这样的原因,人们才将那些积淀了厚厚时光的开云足球app下载官网最新版 称为“能喝的古董”。而快餐文化下的饮食,是难以用“古董”来比喻的。开云足球app下载官网最新版 收藏是一个长期的过程,切忌急功近利,收藏过程中的环境等因素都很重要。
Just because of this reason, people always call those Pu’er tea with aged time as “drinkable antique”. For those food and drink under fast-food culture, it’s difficult to compare them to “antique”. The collection of Pu’er tea is a long process and never seek quick success and instant benefits. Various factor such as environment during collection process are very important.
Did you have tea today?
Tea is a good thing, not to mention the joy of Pu er, which is listening to music for 30 thousand seconds everyday.